Salve a tutti, ho unpiccolo problema con la colorazione ai sali d'argento...durante lo sviluppo con sodio carbonato e formalina si forma un alone grigio/biancastro che nn mi permette bene di identificare le mie bande! a cosa potrebbe essere dovuto?? grazie mille!!
ho trovato questa decolorazione per il silver stain: ve la copio nel caso possa tornare utile a qualcun altro!
Silver destaining protocol
Destaining Solution: 0.4g potassium ferricyanide (K3Fe(CN)6) in 200ml sodium thiosulphate (0.2g/L Na2S2O35H2O, same solution used in silver staining protocol).
Destain: Incubate gel or gel pieces in destaining solution with gentle shaking until no bands are visible, approximately 15 minutes. The gel will be yellow. Wash gel 4-5 times for 15 min with plenty of milli-Q H2O until gel is transparent and has no background color.
If you are doing this because no staining was visible first time around, the gel is then ready to be restained with silver starting from the sensitization step, or if you are doing this to get rid of stain, the bands are then ready for in-gel digestion.