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Città: Edinburgh

11491 Messaggi

Inserito il - 16 febbraio 2010 : 11:45:10  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di chick80 Invia a chick80 un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Vi segnalo questo interessante progetto del CNRS che raccoglie tutta una serie di tools informatici opensource che possono essere utili per la ricerca.

Dal loro sito:
The PLUME - FEATHER project was created to Promote economicaL, Useful and Maintained softwarE For Higher Education And THE Research communities. The site references software, mainly Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) from French universities and national research organisations, (CNRS, INRA...), laboratories or departements. Plume means feather in French.

The main goals of PLUME - FEATHER:

* promote the community's own developments,
* develop and share FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) information, experiences and expertise in the community,
* bring together FLOSS experts and knowledgeable people to create a community,
* foster and facilitate FLOSS use, deployment and contribution in the further education and the research communities.

PLUME - FEATHER was initiated by UREC, a division of the CNRS, which heads the project. The different resources are provided by the main partners involved in the project.

The French server (which presents 130 software index cards...) has been online since November 2007, the first English pages, (26 software index cards), since April 2009.

The English site is currently focused on software developed by PLUME - FEATHER partners - French research laboratories or universities - and presents descriptive index cards written by researchers, professors or computer scientists.

Purtroppo la parte del sito più estesa è quella in francese, ma dovreste riuscire a cavarvela comunque
Basta ricordarsi che ordinateur = computer e logiciel = software

A parte gli scherzi, è un ottimo modo di far conoscere questi tools all'interno della vostra uni/centro di ricerca. Ad es. noi qui abbiamo recentemente installato e reso disponibile sui server dell'istituto Bibus (al posto di EndNote) e SVN. Inoltre nella nostra piattaforma di imaging usiamo principalmente ImageJ, e R per l'analisi di dati.

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