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Inserito il - 09 giugno 2012 : 13:39:28  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di Scienceisthefuture Invia a Scienceisthefuture un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Ciao! Qualcuno conosce qualche articolo che faccia una panoramica generale delle applicazioni diagnostiche e terapeutiche dei miR? Devo scrivere la tesi riguardante il loro ruolo nella patogenesi dell'obesitą e vorrei scrivere prima una introduzione che tratti in generale dei miR, oltre la biogenesi mi piacerebbe approfondire anche questo altro aspetto, perņ non riesco a trovare articoli adatti, qualcuno puņ aiutarmi? Grazie

Utente Senior

Monkey's facepalm

Cittą: Paris, VIIčme arrondissement

3847 Messaggi

Inserito il - 09 giugno 2012 : 13:40:31  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di 0barra1 Invia a 0barra1 un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Nel forum si era gią parlato di miR e obesitą; dai un'occhiata, credo che qualcosa trovi

So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.
A Universe From Nothing, Lawrence Krauss

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Inserito il - 09 giugno 2012 : 18:06:37  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di Scienceisthefuture Invia a Scienceisthefuture un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Non mi servono articoli su mR e obesitą, ma sul loro potenzile diagnostico e terapeutico, in generale
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Utente Senior

Monkey's facepalm

Cittą: Paris, VIIčme arrondissement

3847 Messaggi

Inserito il - 09 giugno 2012 : 18:28:21  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di 0barra1 Invia a 0barra1 un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Ma a distanza di un anno sei ancora impelagato con la tesi compilativa?

Comunque se tu avessi letto l'articolo che ti linkai il 23 luglio 2011, e credo che tu l'abbia fatto, sinceramente, avresti trovato questo paragrafo:

Novel biomarkers of the metabolic syndrome
Current challenges in the management of obesity and its
related disorders include a search for unique biomarkers
that are reflective or predictive of metabolic health and
disease. Metabolic profiling has long been used to facilitate
detection of disease states; indeed some of the first attempts
to determine biomarkers of disease by global metabolic
profiling were applied to the study of inborn errors of
metabolism, where the relationship between disease state,
genetics and the metabolic biomarker is easily understood.
However, in many other metabolic diseases, the relationship
between disease, genetics and metabolic state is
complex and not readily understood. MiRNAs have been
heralded as potential novel biomarkers for many pathological
states, consequent to their tissue specific expression
and association with clinicopathologic variables
(Heneghan HM, Miller N, Lowery AJ, Sweeney KJ, Kerin
MJ. J Oncol 2009. – in press). Their recent discovery in
the circulation has prompted further exploration of their
potential use as novel minimally invasive biomarkers of
disease (44,45). In a preliminary study investigating this
concept, Chen et al. have characterized the serum miRNA
profile of diabetic patients and found that it differed significantly
compared with healthy controls (44). It is
unknown how miRNAs make their way into the bloodstream;
however, Slack et al. raised two hypotheses in a
recent report relating to the potential use of circulating
miRNAs as tumour markers (46); first that tissue miRNAs
may be present in circulation as a result of cell death and
lyses, or alternatively that tissue cells actively secrete
miRNAs into their microenvironment, where they enter
blood vessels, and thereby make their way into the circulation.
Future studies in this emerging field of research will
provide a better understanding of the mechanisms by which
miRNAs are released into the circulation. Further investigations
in this field are also warranted to explore the ability
of metabolic miRNA profiling to provide non-invasive
translational biomarkers to reflect the state and extent of
metabolic flux.
Future potential
The association between aberrant miRNA expression and
abnormalities in glucose homeostasis, adipogenesis and
obesity, and functional analysis of specific miRNAs illustrates
the feasibility of using these molecules as targets for
therapeutic intervention (47). Antagomirs (cholesterol conjugated
anti-sense oligonucleotides) are pioneering targets
for miRNAs silencing, as evidenced by hepatic miR-122
blockade in vivo (41). These preliminary data have
prompted early clinical trials. Conversely, where miRNA
expression is known to be under-expressed (e.g. miR-103
in obese adipose tissue), induction of miRNA expression
using viral or liposomal delivery of tissue-specific miRNAs
to affected tissue could potentially result in restoration of
catabolic activity to the tissue, although this concept of
‘miRNA replacement therapy’ has yet to be extrapolated in
this setting. Further studies are necessary to examine the
efficacy and safety of these novel therapeutic approaches,
and to explore the potential for circulating miRNAs to aid
in the management of patients with obesity and the metabolic
syndrome; however, evidence to date is encouraging

Se ancora non ti basta, puoi cercare l'articolo sul forum e risalire alle referenze.
E se ancora non ti basta, puoi cercare quali articoli presentano nella LORO bibliografia i papers citati qui sopra circa diagnostica e miRNA, per esempio con Google Scholar.

Adesso va bene?

So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.
A Universe From Nothing, Lawrence Krauss

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32 Messaggi

Inserito il - 10 giugno 2012 : 11:39:19  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di Scienceisthefuture Invia a Scienceisthefuture un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Grazie, gentilissimo, ma se non conosci le cose per cortesia evita di fare commenti con toni del genere
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Utente Senior

Monkey's facepalm

Cittą: Paris, VIIčme arrondissement

3847 Messaggi

Inserito il - 10 giugno 2012 : 11:44:35  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di 0barra1 Invia a 0barra1 un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Ti assicuro che era puro stupore, nessuna vena poleņica o accusatoria. Errore mio se č parso il contrario, d'altronde su un forum č difficile render il tono con cui si afferma qualcosa.

So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.
A Universe From Nothing, Lawrence Krauss

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