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Inserito il - 10 agosto 2019 : 13:54:51  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di kiki Invia a kiki un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Ciao a tutti!
Ho un dubbio,ho letto che esistono numerosi database di sequenze codificanti (Ensembl,UCSC,Refseq) che possono differire per quanto riguarda gli start e gli stop di alcuni trascritti e per le regioni codificanti che posson esser perchč le regioni codificanti di un gene dovrebbero differire tra un database e l'altro??Quale dovrei usare?
Grazie mille a tutti in anticipo!



Cittā: Glasgow

1724 Messaggi

Inserito il - 02 settembre 2019 : 12:06:39  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di domi84 Invia a domi84 un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando

What are the differences among Ensembl, GENCODE and RefSeq?

Different institutions have different rules on how they annotate genes. E.g. RefSeq's criteria are more stringent, so there are fewer RefSeq transcripts than Ensembl/GENCODE transcripts. Also, RefSeq transcripts have their own sequences independent of the genome assembly, so certain population-specific variants may be in RefSeq that are entirely missing from the reference genome sequence. This has the important implication that the position of genome variants are harder to map to RefSeq transcripts than for GENCODE since RefSeq transcripts can have additional sequence or missing sequence relative to the genome.

The links from either transcript model to other gene-related databases are different. In general, it seems that high-throughput sequencing data results, e.g. RNA-seq, are often using Ensembl/GENCODE annotations and human genetics results are reported using RefSeq annotations. It depends on your particular project which gene model set you want to use. Over time, the two transcript databases have been and are becoming more similar.

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