Utente Junior
Prov.: Mantova
Città: Mantova
320 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 13 settembre 2007 : 01:19:49
Cavalli Sforza dice che dalle sue ricerche nell'evoluzione dell'uomo la deriva genetica (la mutazione genetica casuale per antonomasia), ha avuto più importanza che non la selezione naturale.
Sul forum di Richard Dawkins mi hanno fatto questa citazione a riguardo
Citazione: In a paper published in 1997, Shomarka Keita and Rick A. Kittles have criticized the primary methodology used by Cavalli-Sforza and other like-minded geneticists, pointing out the "inappropriateness of using a priori predefined racial categories and then sorting genetic diversity as much as possible into these categories." [2] (Evolutionary Anthropology, pg. 39) In some cases, groups generated by cluster analysis of genetic data reproduce traditional racial categories, but in some further analysis Cavalli-Sforza uses groupings like Extra-European Caucasoid that are apparently a priori and not generated by the data itself.
His proposed ambitious Human Genome Diversity Project to gather further genetic data from populations around the world was accused of "cultural insensitivity, neocolonialism, and biopiracy." (My emphasis.) Sounds like he had his own agenda. Also, he is presumably only considering evolution within the last ~100KY, not the evolution of H. sapiens in the first place.