XXXBiotech is a small company........ ................................................ I am looking for a motivated and hard-working individual, to serve as scientist and accompany the growth of the company. He/she will work in XXXXXXXXXXXXXX and report directly to XXXXXX. Please note that this is not a basic research position. The goal is not publications, but development of the company. The ideal candidate will have a recent PhD in cellular/molecular biology, or hold an MSc in Biotechnology and have a couple of years of experience. Fluent English is essential, as well as an ability to write reports and proposals in Italian. I offer a "contratto a progetto", which can be renewed and upgraded where appropriate. Salary range 21k-28k euro based on experience. Start date anytime, but preferably soon. Please send your CV by e-mail only to .............."
beh lo stipendio non è male (considerando che è in italia o sbaglio) però un contratto a progetto come primo contratto per uno con un CV cosi avanzato è un pò scandaloso, perlomeno un contratto a tempo determinato! Cmq se finisce con Biotech conosco l'azienda:D