domanda abbastanza semplice, ma guardando in giro non sono riuscita a trovare un gran che: la colorazione Diff-Quick ( è la stessa cosa dell'emacolor??) serve per il cosa esattamente va a colorare??qlc tipo cellulare specifico?? e che tipo di colorazione è? nel senso non è una marcatura con anticorpo immagino..mmm....chiaritemi le idee!!
da quel che ho trovato colora leucociti in modo diverso ma li colora tutti e non è specifico, non usa anticorpi ma la colorazione dipende dal precipitato formato dall'aggiunte di soluzioni acquose a blu di metilene e eosina. ho trovato il protocollo su Method Paraffin Sections
1. Bring sections to distilled water 2. Stain with “Diff Quick” solution II .30 secs 3. Counterstain (optional) with “Diff Quick” solution I for 30 seconds 4. Rinse rapidly in tap water 5. Rapidly dehydrate in absolute alcohol (exposure to alcohol should be as brief as possible to prevent excessive decolourisation) 6. Clear and mount
1. Air-dry the smear 2. Fix in “Diff Quick” Fixative (or methanol) for 30 secs/drain 3. Stain with “Diff Quick” solution II for 30 secs/drain 4. Counterstain (optional) with “Diff Quick” solution I for 30 secs/drain 5. Rinse in tap water to remove excess stain 6. Rapidly dehydrate in absolute alcohol 7. Clear and mount
helicobacter........................................dark blue
background.........................................light blue
platelets............................................violet to purple
neutrophils nucleus……….........……………dark blue
cytoplasm....……………………..pale pink
eosinophils nucleus........…………………….blue
cytoplasm.....…………………….blue to red/orange
basophils nucleus.........………………….purple or dark blue
granules........…………… ……dark purple/black
monocytes nucleus(lobated)………… ……violet
cytoplasm........……...…… blue
Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing (Voltaire)
Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing (Voltaire)