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Business Systems Laboratory International Symposia

The Business Systems Laboratory International Symposia aim to address the global economic and social challenges of our times by systemic perspective; shedding the light to the several interactions between natural social and economic systems.


Eppendorfs di laboratorioThe Symposium 2015 focuses on the epistemological, theoretical, methodological, technical and practical contributions that can represent advancements in the theory and practice of Business Management to address the present and future challenges in the global economic and social scenarios.

While focusing on the Systemic perspective the Symposium is also open to all the scientific approaches in order to foster constructive debates and confrontations to create new perspective of research and practice in the field of business.

The language of the B.S.Lab Symposia is English.

The Symposium 2015 will be structured in panels and poster sessions.

The location for the first day will be Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Piazza Fortebraccio 4, Perugia
The location for the secon day will be Palazzina Valitutti, Via Caro Manuali, Perugia

Quando e dove

Inizio: 21/01/2015
Fine: 23/01/2015

Università per Stranieri di Perugia
Piazza Fortebraccio 4 Perugia (PG), Italy

Ulteriori informazioni
